Data Integration Platform provides an intuitive visual interface for integrating and transforming data from various sources into analytics-ready data. The transformed data can then be easily used for data warehousing, creating reports and dashboards using Bold products, or for business intelligence analysis purposes.

No coding effort

The entire data processing workflow can be set up using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

No coding effort
Flexible scheduling

Flexible scheduling

The data processing workflow can easily be configured to run on a schedule.


Write your own custom processor, extending the capabilities of the platform to integrate with new data sources.

Secure access

Secure access

Users’ accesses are managed in the User Management Server with seamless authentication and authorization support. Directories such as Active Directory, Azure AD, and more are supported.

Secure data transfer

An enterprise-grade encryption is used for secure data transfers between different points in a system.

Secure data transfer
Secure data transfer

Data provenance

Automatically records the data flow, performs indexing, and provides provenance data as objects flow throughout the system. Trace any data to its source.

Powered by Apache NiFi

NiFi was originally developed by the United States National Security Agency (NSA). Apache NiFi is now a top-level project of the Apache Foundation.

Powered by Apache NiFi

Visualize analytics-ready data in Smart Dashboard

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Hugo Morris

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