Smart Dashboard for Predictive Analytics

Predict future outcomes, identify business risks, and understand consumer trends. Operate more efficiently, maximize revenue, and gain strategic business insights

Smart Dashboard Website Visitor Monitoring Dashboard

Predictive analytics uses data analysis to predict future outcomes, allowing you to gain valuable insights and make more informed business decisions. With predictive analytics, you can use your data to recognize trends, predict future events, and identify business risks and opportunities. No matter your industry, predictive analytics can help you anticipate your business needs and understand consumer trends.


Utilizing predictive analytics within your Smart Dashboard dashboards can help you operate more efficiently, maximize revenue, and gain strategic business insights. Whether you’re a hotel manager preparing for the number of guests you’ll have next weekend or a marketing professional who needs to know which online behaviors typically lead to a purchase, Smart Dashboard’s beautiful, user-friendly dashboards make it easier than ever to visualize your data and make more informed business decisions.


Extract insights via AI

AI powered insights for Predictive Analytics

Any AI or ML use case goes through such a life cycle. Using Syncfusion’s Data Integration Platform, the ETL process to extract data from a source, transform/process it by running python machine learning scripts as scheduled and export the resultant data to the SQL server can be done with ease. This helps visualize data into meaningful insights in Smart Dashboard. 

Predictive Analytics in Industries


School Performance Analysis

Smart Dashboard’s school performance dashboard allows teachers and school administrators to track crucial enrollment and performance data. This dashboard allows to  track the school’s enrollment details by noting the total number of students for academic year and predict the result for next two years. 

School Management Dashboard

Online Food Ordering Analysis

Smart Dashboard’s Online Food Ordering Analysis dashboard offers a helpful example of the use of predictive analytics within the retail industry. This dashboard allows viewers to forecast trends in customer behavior and identify patterns that help the business prepare for peak order times. 

Online Food Ordering Analysis

Predictive Analytics in Departments


Website Visitor Analysis

Smart Dashboard’s Website Visitor Analysis dashboard illustrates how predictive analytics might help a business optimize its marketing campaigns. This dashboard offers insight into the number of visitors to the company’s website and the number of website visitors who became paying customers. 

Website Visitor Analysis

Personal Expense Analysis

Smart Dashboard’s Personal Expense Analysis dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of an individual’s income and expenses. The dashboard not only tracks total expenses but also logs each financial transaction and tracks the average, least, and most amounts spent per month, providing a more complete picture than that offered by the total expense figure alone. 

Personal Expense Analysis

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Smart Dashboard for Predictive Analytics – Common Metrics

With Smart Dashboard’s user-friendly, fully customizable dashboards, you can track all the key performance indicators that your team depends on:

  • Sales forecasts
  • Projected revenue 
  • Projected expense
  • Churn rate
  • Conversion rate

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Hugo Morris

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